CNA National News

Emma Bishop
1 min readFeb 26, 2021

Old school Airstreams enjoy pandemic-era popularity

In light of the Pandemic Airstreams and RVs as well as other recreational vehicles have seen a spike in purchases. Airstream dealerships find that it may take a year to fulfill all the current orders and this is an unprecedented increase from normal. There has especially been an increase in purchases from people who have no previous experience in RV lifestyles.

Battling the Mob, a Black Officer Came Face to Face With Racism

Officer Harry Dunn speaks about the Mob at the Capitol on Jan. 6. Not only is it noted that Eugene Goodman was a hero, but that there were many unspoken ones as well. The fear and trauma after such an event has been heavy on the hearts of many officers after the mob.

Trumps tax returns handed over to Manhattan prosecutors

After several attempts to keep Trumps tax reports out of the New York grand jury’s hands, the information was released. However, the information may not become public for some time yet. There is a possibility that Cyrus Vance, Jr. is looking for more than just hush money in the tax returns.



Emma Bishop

Short, blunt and to the point... I’m basically a dull knife.