CNA Political News

Emma Bishop
1 min readMar 12, 2021

Texas attorney general sues Austin officials over mask mandate

A lawsuit the authorities in Austin has been filed. After Gov. Greg Abbott took back his state wide mandate issuing that masks would again be mandatory. The lawsuit states that the statewide mask mandate issued has been ignored thus far.

Virus drove record U.S. death rate in 2020, CDC finds

A report will surface soon bringing transparency to the spike in deaths over this past year. Covid-19 has been found to be one of the main causes for the 15 percent increase in deaths. The mortality study has been expedited into review.

Another Oath Keeper with links to Roger Stone charged in Capitol riot

On Tuesday an arrest was made for a fellow Oath Keeper who participated in the Capitol riot. There have been several more arrests of Oath Keepers who have been charged. As of yet, Stone has not been charged at all.



Emma Bishop

Short, blunt and to the point... I’m basically a dull knife.